Address the Causes of Ill-Health Symptoms

The word "holistic" is commonly used in healthcare these days, without a clear understanding of what this really involves. Although there is now lots of research data available in support of the gut-brain connection, or the negative effects of stress on physical health for example, details of the true miracle of the inter-connectedness of the human body (with all its systems interdependent on each other), and the human mind and soul, is still largely neglected.


Sadly, due to the big propaganda machine behind pharmacological medicine, Western society has been conditioned over the last 100 years to a system of "healthcare" that treats only symptoms. As a result of this over-emphasize on symptoms, most people are completely in the dark about the underlying causes of their 'dis-ease'.


A large part of what I do as Osteopathic Manual Therapist, is to make connections between the structural limitations (somatic dysfunctions), and the lack of optimal health (manifested symptoms) of each patient. This is based on the Osteopathic principle that "Structure governs Function". Examples of symptoms often caused by restrictions in the structural aspects of the body (musculoskeletal, cranial, visceral or vascular), include insomnia, headaches, sinusitis, asthma, indigestion, lack of appetite, constipation, anxiety, tachycardia, vertigo, brain fog, TMJ dysfunction, endocrine disturbances, scoliosis, neuralgia, movement related pain, etc.


On an external level, there is of course also the effects that lifestyle habits have on the functionality of the body. Eating foods that are void of micro-nutrients and fiber (like processed carbohydrates), and/or causes inflammation (like Gluten) will lead to a compromised digestive system. Chronic constipation/ inflammation of the colon, which is fascially connected to the lumbar spine (from L3 to S1), will eventually cause pain there.


Inflammation and constipation of the colon will also effect the production of serotonin (of which around 90% is produced in the digestive tract), which of course directly influences the emotional health of the individual. These are just some limited examples of the intricacies of the inter-connectedness of the human design.


Therefore, the whole-person approach I use in helping patients, aims at restoring health to the whole system by identifying and removing the underlying restrictions. This allows the body to regain homeostasis, and eliminates the symptom/s of dis-ease.

Symptoms of dis-ease I can help you overcome:

  • headaches,
  • insomnia,
  • sinusitis,
  • asthma,
  • indigestion,
  • acid reflux,
  • lack of appetite,
  • constipation,
  • gal stones,
  • anxiety,
  • tachycardia,
  • vertigo,
  • brain fog,
  • TMJ dysfunction,
  • tinnitus,
  • endocrine disturbances,
  • scoliosis,
  • neuralgia,
  • movement related pain, etc.