Principles of Wellness · 30. May 2021
Coronavirus, Part 2: Sick Until Proven Healthy
Sometimes the problem is created for a desired solution...
Movement Integrity · 01. February 2021
Questions about the credibility of the “Evidence” in Evidence-Based Medicine.
Principles of Wellness · 29. April 2020
Coronavirus, Part 1: Pandemic or Paranoia?
Sometimes the problem is the way we look at the problem…
Movement Integrity · 01. May 2019
Movement Integrity
Human movement is one of those concepts most of us take for granted. Much like breathing. Since we are internally wired to ‘naturally’ acquire the skill, we often don’t value the intricacies of it. That is until we loose the ability to freely move or breathe...
Movement Integrity · 01. March 2016
Nutrition to Movement: Know Your Starting Point
Any attempt at improving your nutritional intake has to start with the health of your digestive system. No matter how great your diet, if your system is not functioning in balance, foods might not be broken down properly and nutrients not effectively absorbed. As one of the many carry-overs to exercise [...] some of us are in need of eliminating those exercises that are not working for us as individuals, causing pain or excessive stiffness after a workout...
Movement Integrity · 13. January 2015
Pain and Function: An essential relationship
Pain is a grossly misunderstood concept. It accompanies suffering, hurt or injury and is the unpleasant part of life we certainly all prefer to life without. That much is understood. It is however also an intrinsic part of development and survival, since we learn more from pain than laughter. The fear or dislike of pain is what often keeps us from doing more harm to ourselves…
Principles of Wellness · 04. September 2014
Worldview and Wellness, Part 2
In this post I will demonstrate specific ways in which reductionistic science has harmed the Western concept of health, and is still keeping us from growing a deeper understanding of the holistic wonders of human potential. I’ll point out the consequences of fewer people engaging in critical reasoning, and therefore less questions being asked about science, particularly in the area of modern medicine.
Principles of Wellness · 28. July 2014
Worldview & Wellness, Part 1
In recent years most people’s perspective of health has evolved from merely the absence of disease, towards incorporating the concept of wellness or well-being. There is however no universally accepted definition of wellness, and for some it involves the balanced ‘integration of body, mind and spirit’, and for others the ability to ‘live life to the fullest’. Your experience of well-being is after all a subjective matter, as only you can feel well through the senses of your own being...